Thursday, 4 July 2013


Those long-short ways
of sun and tree
candle and face
choreographing untreated insanities
conjuring poetry
that spurn anthology
but in their oblique dance
narrate our unacknowledged stories
map the dimensions
we will not be convinced
frame our lives, our ways.   


Wednesday, 3 July 2013


It is a twelve-hour blackness
where the distinct recedes
into silhouette and blue
where noise concedes to sound
cacophony to conversation and silence
and dust and grime withdraw
so immemorial fragrance can reclaim
their traditional homelands
it is day-break to some and day-end to others
for me it is a moment
made of nocturnal gathas
embracing of child
showering of kisses
whispering love notes
they are too old to ‘like’
and then


It is a twelve-hour blackness
where the distinct recedes
into silhouette and blue
where noise concedes to sound
cacophony to conversation and silence
and dust and grime withdraw
so immemorial fragrance can reclaim
their traditional homelands
it is day-break to some and day-end to others
for me it is a moment
made of nocturnal gathas
embracing of child
showering of kisses
whispering love notes
they are too old to ‘like’
and then


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Read, reader

Read, reader
as you will
for these words
mine for now,
were mined from a coinage
of elusive inspiration;
read, reader
as you will
for my ignorant pickings
did not stop word-river
my inarticulate dam
was helpless in inevitable spills;
read, reader
for that which is mine
is now yours,
to keep or throw
in ignorance or enlightenment.


Monday, 1 July 2013

Lyrical Jaffna

Land of life
made for trespassing
in this uniform or that
torn in the name of nation
of liberation 
by ancient threads
of being and knowing
land that suffers all
land wrapped in prayer
in tides that go
and take away all footprints
but that of human things
a singular smile 
a boat that came home
and wheels that turn.  

[Inspired by the photography of Savithri Vithanage]