Friday, 13 October 2017

Our Mother*

She's taller now:
too tall to hold 
to cuddle too old; 
queen you were
and she princess
then as now, 
and you
are as you were
in your distance and proximity
words and words not said;
your children, all of them,
are safe
in a cradling that endures
the mortality of passing.

*On behalf of all her children

Sunday, 8 October 2017

The conspiracy of night

Life and light in synonymity:
one yields and is also made of the other
but involuntary glance
through random windows 
gives moon-wires 
bent by wind
and blushed by rain
conspiring with ardent trees
and pliant foliage.  
We can paint it
or just breathe it all
and tell our hearts,

“open now 
the beloved has arrived’