Thursday, 22 September 2011

In the unmapped country

Across a swollen river
and beyond forbidding mountains,
there are less traveled paths
vaguely scented by those who came before.
The unhappy lost don't make a community,
if you must know,
but a nation of ghosts that walk through one another.
They narrate to roots made for tripping
sands crafted for burning
and to other deaf witnesses,
they speak the sorrows of their banishment.
There is poetry here,
alliteration that flows over riverbed
in the manner of the perfect spherical.
Rhyme rises from footprint and morning,
and rhythm comes without invite.
And it is not that there's nothing to share
that there is no one who will understand;
but this is the way of this temporality,
there are hundreds who have memorized
the cartography of Solitude,
they know it so well
that they remain silent.
For over the mountains and across the river
there is a land that time will not forget
a land of root and sand,
that tripped heart and cut soul,
which is why the grass here grows in unimaginable greens,
simply, they are made fertile
by the liquids that abandonment rains.

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