Sunday, 2 October 2011

An ink account

I've fallen,
like ink
upon a discontented page,
smudged sensibilities,
and erased coherence.
I've fallen like dead leaf
and apple,
and lie among remnants
the archival memories
visited infrequently.
you came like dew,
and the worlds became green,
your words and silences
wrote the poetry of the impossible,
the softest hurts,
the sharpest caressing.
And I cannot write,
not of leaf, dew or relevant landscapes,
I can write perhaps of dust
and other sad things.

[From my collection, 'Threads', shortlisted for the Gratiaen Award 2007]

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  1. beautiful. where can i buy threads?

  2. it was never published. neither was the collection 'the underside of silence', shortlisted for the Gratiaen Award the following year. :)


  3. can i only read your poems on your blog?
