Thursday, 29 December 2011


Life was a twirl of smoke
and madness
black, white and shade
word-weave was your thing,
wasn't it Simon?
In the sacred groves
you make your tracks these days
does nihilist meet lover,
does Yasa toss the burden of memory
at Suba
and Suba throw back?
Is the Afterlife Mullegama Galkanda
as silent with history
as it was this side of death?
Does it get covered by wilderness
uncovered by civilization
and re-covered by the eternal verities?
Did the dadayakkaraya forgive caricature
and the heart,
does it gasp 
in love's breathlessness,
And is the golf-cap
than the lightness of your being
and loving
here on this earth you walked
so many centuries ago?

[From the collection 'Stray kites on string-less days']


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  3. I started reading your poems very recently. I read few of your recently posted poems and I really liked them. I felt that you are very good in writing other poems as well in a good way. Especially about the ‘personalities’ known to us and unknown to us ‘Mumia Abu Jamal’ this comes first in my list. ‘COMMANDANTE’ and ‘For Simon’ are the other ones that I like very much.

  4. never thought of myself that way. and thanks biso...
