Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The narrative of gems

From rough to shine
from earth-bowel to adornment
from step to step
there is fingertip and callous
the drawing forth and drawing upon
delicate love
in the refinement of the refined
soft eye tenderness
that imagines facet
and crafts and crafts and crafts;
it's small end of a long story
where perfect narrative
erases all that has come before.

[Inspired by the photography of Chandana Wijesinghe]


  1. Love this one.

  2. This perfect poem does not allow to erase all that has come before. Beautiful and it is the poem of all who contributed for the gem.

  3. Sriparna Bandyopadhyay8 January 2014 at 02:50

    A perfect narrative is self explanatory and make the previous narrations redundant. I like the usage of words. -Sriparna
