[a peradeniya kaviya]
A season of bloomage
colors that erase the shade
carpets that hide the shame
soft petal blades and
heart-cut histories
scripts that never made it
not to the Sarachchandra 'Wala'
not to the WUS 'Wala'
but slipped out of narratives
Peradeniya is a nation
re-birthed every twenty years
and every single day --
speed it up and it's a dust storm
from ashes to ashes
passing over immutabilities
Aunty Jean, now,
of Peradeniya
and yet, maker of that landscape
unknown to others
themselves creators, vandals and residents
of earth curled in cinnamon
who played with received cartography
re-mapped the universities of belonging
of word and the lives of things unnoticed
a fence, a boundary and other illusions
a cat, a growl and a plant forlorn
of grace, vitality and effusion
drenching gatherings with words and mirth
and wiping off the stains the careless splashed
who decided she would be 16 forever
and at will and whim
pick 45, 23 or 79
in her irrepressibility
would stay a curtain and detain the impatient
who cannot leave
For her, there will be flowers
full bouquets of metaphors carefully picked
music drawn from abandonment
from an unfolding story
a treetop, the glint in young eyes
the edge of wine-glass cut
But for her
I've revisited Peradeniya
stitched together the exquisite
the most tender loves
silences that outdid shout
music drawn from abandonment
from an unfolding story
a treetop, the glint in young eyes
the edge of wine-glass cut
But for her
I've revisited Peradeniya
stitched together the exquisite
the most tender loves
silences that outdid shout
and other things indescribable;
for there's a story
lost in the folds
for there's a story
lost in the folds
that never will be found.